Part of me, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Hundreds and thousands, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Lone ash tree, 60 x 90cm, acrylic.

Bale field study 1, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Bale field study 2, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Bale field study 3, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Fields of gold, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Once upon a time, 76 x 76cm, oil.

Bale field study 5, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Bale field study 7, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Nothing else matters, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Afternoon bale field, 90 x 61cm.

Butterscotch, 35 x 25cm, oil.

Country walk, 30 x 30cm, acryli c.

Love me from a distance and watch me die, 30 x 30cm, oil.

Ploughman's lunch, 30 x 30cm, acrylic.

Port meadow, Oxford. 76 x 76cm, oil.

The blind boy and his grieving moon, 101 x 79cm, oil.
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